Are You Ready To Assemble Kitchen Cabinets?

You’ve spent weeks searching and researching for the best cabinets. You’ve gone to a dozen stores and countless websites and finally decided on ready to assemble kitchen cabinets. You ordered online and now sitting before you are box upon box of cabinet pieces that you need to put together. Suddenly, your hands become clammy and you begin to swear as you think about how you’re going to put this together. At first glance, it seems like a daunting task, but it’s designed to be as easy as possible. We know you’re not a professional carpenter, so we’ve made the process straightforward.

The Beginning

The first thing you need is a large clear area to work in. There’s going to be a lot of wood and screws and you’ll need room to move. Some people like working on carpeted floor because it’s easier to move the cabinets around and not worry about scratching them. You can also work on a table, so there’s a nice elevated surface. It’s also more comfortable to sit on a chair than the floor.  You may think you need an entire tool chest full of tools in order to put your new cabinets together, but we’ve designed our cabinets to use just a Phillips-head screwdriver and a rubber mallet.

Assembly Is Required

Once your area is all set, it’s time to remove all the contents from the boxes and organize them into their respective cabinet parts. Be sure to keep all the screws, brackets, etc. together, so you have easy access to them when needed. It’s usually standard to start with the door and then the sides, leaving the bottom of the cabinets for last. If there are areas that link together via a dovetail connection, then use the rubber mallet to put them in place. Do not use a hammer or other metal as it may scratch the surface. Once the cabinets are together, it’s time to put them on the wall.

Installing the Cabinets

Before doing anything with the cabinets, you need to measure and re-measure the area to make sure everything it going to fit. You might also want to mark where each cabinet goes. Be very careful when installing the cabinets on the walls. Each cabinet installation is different, based on the type of cabinets, size, etc. It’s a good idea to use an electric drill to create the screw holes before trying to install the cabinets. This makes it much easier for the screw to go into the wall and it lessens the likelihood of crooked entries.

As you can see, building and installing kitchen cabinets isn’t as difficult as you might think. Why not check out our free design tool, and let us begin your journey to new inexpensive kitchen cabinets.

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