Why It’s Important to Measure RTA Kitchen Cabinets Correctly

We try our best to make the online buying of RTA kitchen cabinets as simple as possible. We provide many pictures, encourage ordering samples, and emphasize the importance of measuring your kitchen correctly. Since we can’t send people to your house to measure, we must go by the measurements you take, and if a mistake happens, there’s not much we can do about it. If it’s a mistake that we did, then we will make sure it’s righted quickly, but when the error is because of improper measuring, we can’t take the full responsibility. There are many reasons why it’s important to take and retake the measurements before ordering the cabinets.

Improperly Measured New Kitchen Cabinets Don’t Look Good

When the measurements for the new kitchen cabinets are wrong, they won’t look right when you install them. The problem is when you’re building the cabinets themselves, you probably won’t notice anything wrong. It’s only when you put them on the wall that problems happen. What those problems will be depends on what dimensions are off. You may find out the cabinets don’t reach all the way to the wall. They might be too tall or a drawer may not be able to open all the way. If you try to finish out the entire project, it’s not going to look like you want. There’s going to be something off and it will always bother you.

Returning Kitchen Cabinetry Isn’t Easy

When we make an error, we will take care of all costs associated with remedying that error, but when it’s caused by the customer, our hands are tied. The customer will have to pay for the new cabinets to be shipped and the old cabinets to be returned. There is also a restocking fee. If you already put the cabinets together, then you’ll likely want to deconstruct them prior to shipment to save money. As you might guess, this is not an experience most people want to have. Taking a few extra minutes to make sure the measurements are correct can save you a lot of time and money.

You Must Wait for New Ready to Assemble Cabinets

So, you discovered the dimensions you provided were wrong and now the cabinets must be returned. What are you going to use for cabinets until the new ones arrive? If you’re lucky, you didn’t completely remove the old cabinets from the house, because it’s going to take about a week or more for the new ready to assemble cabinets to arrive. If you have gotten rid of them, then you’re going to have a long time to either eat off paper plates or get creative with storage. It’s not going to be fun and you’ll not be happy.

Once you have your dimensions ready to go, then take a look at out free cabinet guide and begin what will be a wonderful experience.

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