The Differences Between Traditional White and Elegant White Kitchen Cabinets

When beginning the process of designing your white kitchen, a choice needs to be made.  Will go you for a more traditional white look or the elegant white kitchen look?  Each has their own merits with a few downfalls.  With the right preparation and knowledge, you can choose the perfect kitchen for your home.

Traditional White

Traditional white cabinets are the answer to many people’s white kitchen question.  Sporting clean lines and a simpler look, these kitchens can range from very modern looking to neutral and fitting in with the style of your home.  Generally, simpler kitchen hardware looks much better on traditional white doors and drawers.

The idea of this type of white kitchen is all about simplicity, space, and organization.  These types of kitchens fall in between the extremes of pure white and very decorative.  If any of these things, or a need for a modern look, is of top priority for you, this is most likely the white kitchen style you will want to go for.

Elegant White

Elegant white kitchen cabinets look amazing.  This type of kitchen lives on the edge of the white kitchen styles, harkening back to antique-style white kitchens with rich decoration, crown molding on top, and crafted trim on the ground, but also including ultra-modern-looking kitchens with white, and sometimes undecorated white panel doors (which look great btw!) to give perfectly clean lines and the look of the maximum amount of space possible.

The modern extreme tends to use little to no exterior hardware, while the antique/decorative style tends to use hardware with metals and brass, sometimes relieved with white stone.  The elegant white style is for those who want to make a bold statement that fits a specific theme in their home.  If your house is minimalistic, the ultra-modern look is for you.  Lots of wood and rustic items in your décor?  Then the elegant white kitchen would match it perfectly.

Both Can Work

We offer both types, and everything in between, here at RTA Cabinet Store, and we like them all.  Oftentimes, it may be good to get another person’s opinion, especially if you are not replacing your kitchen appliances (stove, refrigerator, etc.).  These things can really make a difference in the end choice of your kitchen.  Accessories inside the cabinets can really make a difference as well, helping you to decide the style of your kitchen by what can be held where.  Good luck with your new white kitchen!

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