New Home Page Is Up!

With all the new products we had been adding and all of the recent updates, the home page had started getting a little crowded.   We tested a couple of designs, and thanks to unanimous decision by our customers, we now have a new design for the site.  While it is only the home page right now, we are getting ready to roll out the new design to all of the pages.  The new design is more streamlined, and less cluttered.  It offers direct access to everything you need, and makes it easier to find each of the product lines and categories.

We will also be making  some improvements to the cabinet pages… giving you suggestions of what products will fit in each cabinet, and recommendations of what other customers have ordered to go with a similar kitchen.  Hopefully making it easier for you to customize your kitchen.

As we make adjustments to the site, if there is anything that you can think of that would make the ordering process smoother or easier for you, please leave us a comment or suggestion.

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