New Pricing On Some of Our Cabinet Lines

We have been coming up with every excuse and stall tactic we could to postpone the price increase that the factory was taking back in December.  The good news is that we were able to delay them by 3 months but the new pricing will take effect April 1st.   That means you still have 21 days to save some extra money before the 5% increase.  It won’t effect all of the cabinet lines, but it will effect the ones coming from our largest factory.   The cabinet lines include:

Autumn Shaker
Sienna Shaker

Considering we haven’t taken a price increase in almost two years, a 5% increase isn’t much,  but we were able to pull some strings for our customers and delay it until April 1st so that you can still cash in on the savings!  Hurry up and get your orders in.

P.S.- Keep an eye out for our next big contest which will be occurring in the next couple of weeks.  Imagine winning cabinets, appliances, counter tops, and more… all in the same contest.   This is going to be our biggest contest ever!

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