How to Choose a Kitchen Color that Will Last a Lifetime

Your kitchen is one of the happiest rooms in the house. It’s where you prepare meals, and for people without dining rooms, it’s where you eat those meals, too. It can have that little breakfast nook you love so much, or that kitchen island with seating you’ve always dreamed about. It’s something you’ll have potentially for the rest of your life, so you want to make sure it’s exactly what you want. The color of your kitchen can go a long way toward making sure you’ve got your perfect space. Don’t let a bad color ruin your perception for years to come. Pick the right color the first time.

Select Your General Theme

A kitchen is made up of many parts and each part has to complement the other. You want to have all the colors matching and you don’t want one thing to throw off everything. That’s why many people have white kitchens; it’s easy. But, before deciding on a color for your kitchen cabinets, there are some things you should consider. First, you should get an idea of what your overall look is going to be. You have to coordinate not only the walls, but the cabinets, the flooring, appliances, counter tops and more. Before you can choose the perfect color, you need to know if you want to go with a modern theme, perhaps something more country or go with something completely unique to you. Visualize the kitchen you want in your mind and let the colors come shining through. You’ll be able to get a list of colors you adore and those you don’t want at all. Are you going with stainless steel appliances or your basic white? There are a million questions you need to answer before choosing a color.

To Paint or not to Paint Cabinets

When it comes to colors, there is only so much you can do with flooring and countertops. You can’t paint them a different color, but your cabinets are a different story. Cabinets do come in a variety of colors, but if you plan on painting them so you get the color you want, then you’ll want to choose cabinets that are easy to paint over. Don’t get black cabinets if you plan on painting the kitchen canary yellow. The cabinets are the focal point of the kitchen and drive the overall design scheme of the room. If you can find cabinets in the color you like, then great, but if not, then you’ll want to make sure you can paint them in the correct color. It’s this color that will dominate the room, so make sure it matches.

Don’t Settle

It’s easy to settle on a color that you like, but don’t love. You can come up with a hundred excuses, from budgeting to effort, but the reality is you’ll never truly love your kitchen in that color. You’ll like it. You can cook in it, but it will never be the kitchen of your dreams. Don’t settle for something other than what you really want, and then figure out a way to get it. You’ll be staring at that kitchen for years, so make sure you love what you see.

RTA cabinet store has a huge selection of cheap cabinets for sale in many different colors. Check out our website and see the different colors we can offer you.

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