Instructional Videos

We are making a big push over the holidays to make a series of instructional videos that will help you- the customer.   We have a pretty good list of videos to start shooting, in fact some of them are already posted on our Youtube channel- RTACabinetStore but we need your help.   We want to make sure that we cover every installation, assembly, and how to video that we can.  So what videos do you think would be helpful?    We want to hear your ideas.

For the next couple of days we are running a survey on our Facebook page (if you haven’t been there yet, head over to and like the page).  Give us your feedback and let us know specifically what videos you would like to see… there might even be a bonus freebie for you!

Speaking of freebie’s or giveaways, so far this month we gave away a set of kitchen appliances, a couple of gift cards, and we have much more to come!   Just another reason to like us on Facebook 🙂

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