So Easy, Even A Child Can Put Them Together! Seriously…

People often ask us “Can I really assemble your cabinets by myself?”.. all of the cabinet lines that we manufacture are designed so that you don’t have to do any major construction or have any fancy tools.  In most cases, a simple screw driver will do the trick… but we still get a lot of people who are skeptical about the ease of assembly because they associate ready-to-assemble kitchen cabinets with type that you get from Ikea.  Hundreds of pieces in 10+ boxes, with elaborate assembly instructions… which isn’t even close to how our cabinets are manufactured.

We will often joke around and say “Even a child can put these together”, and one of our customers proved us right!  A big thanks to Steven Russell, who sent us this great video of his two daughters helping him assemble their new brandywine kitchen cabinets…. this goes to show you (literally) that even a child can do it!  Click the link below to watch the video.

Thanks Steven.

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